

Rachna Gupta

Rachna Gupta

Kanupriya Kajaria

Kanupriya Kajaria

Priyanka Kaur

Priyanka Kaur

Divya Saxena

Divya Saxena

Pooja Popli

Pooja Popli



Richa Sharma

Richa Sharma

Tanu Thakur Goel

Tanu Thakur Goel

Sunita Aggarwal

Sunita Aggarwal

Tanu Malhotra

Tanu Malhotra

Ridhhi Sharma

Ridhhi Sharma

Sapna Kumari

Sapna Kumari

Rachna Gupta

Rachna Gupta

Kanupriya Kajaria

Kanupriya Kajaria




Q: How do I search for a business on WomenListed?
Q: Can I filter search results?
Q: How do I view business details?
Q: Can I leave reviews for businesses?
Q: How do I favorite a business?
Q: How can I contact a business listed on the app?
Q: How do I report a problem with a business listing?

Why Choose Women-Owned Businesses?

By choosing women-owned businesses, you’re supporting more than just a transaction. You’re helping women achieve their dreams and financial independence. Women entrepreneurs offer innovative solutions, bringing creativity and fresh ideas to the marketplace. Supporting these businesses also means promoting equality and closing the gender gap in business. Women-led companies often reinvest in their local communities.

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