Why You Should Buy from Women-Owned Brands

Posted On : 15 Jul 2024
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Ambitions related to career and work are not seen as the first priority for women in our society. Frankly speaking, our society is not designed to support career-oriented women. While career ambitions are dismissed as not being important or needed, businesses by women entrepreneurs are many a times seen as “hobbies” or “time pass.”

Truly, Indian women have unique challenges that stop them from exploring their full professional potential or aspirations. One of the biggest challenges is that of priorities. Women are always seen as nurturers and primary caregivers in our society. Said or unsaid, the burden of household chores and taking care of the family and kids falls on them. Many surveys have shown that work-life balance is one of the biggest hindrances for women in India, leading them to take long career breaks or quit their jobs.

Also, with little to no time for their own personal needs and goals, women are also left behind when it comes to upskilling themselves. With the ever-changing times and technological advancements, gaining the necessary skills to grow yourself and your business is essential. But with a lack of time and resources, women are often left behind here as well.

Thirdly, study reveals that nearly 89% of married women depend on their spouses for financial planning. Not being the financial decision-makers for their families or even themselves, women have to rely on their spouses' expectations from them. All this significantly affects their self-confidence, and this takes them further away from starting their professional entrepreneurial dreams.

But we cannot just sit back and dwell on challenges, right? The Indian economy needs more working women now than ever to grow. Indian women currently only contribute 18% in GDP, and that too mostly in the unorganized sector. According to McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), bridging the gender gap in the economy could lead to an increase of 30% in a country’s GDP. So, how can we encourage women entrepreneurs and professionals in their journey? How do we bring the change?

One of the simplest things we all can do is to consciously choose and buy from women-owned brands, as this contributes to their growth but also helps to boost their confidence.

Here’s why choose women-led businesses and services

From niche categories to personalized products, women are everywhere: Looking for cheese platter makers, handmade jewelry designers, event planners, financial experts, marketing services, customized gift hampers, home chefs, or any field, you can find women entrepreneurs or service providers in it. From customized travel itineraries to personalized gifts, you will discover women-led businesses around you.

Convenient and friendly approach: Women entrepreneurs and practitioners are more open to listening to their customers or clients’ needs. They are more detail-oriented and know the value of productivity and money better. By supporting women-owned brands, you get a service that is more focused on you and your needs.

Being a changemaker: By consciously supporting women-led businesses, you act as a changemaker in society. You help them sustain and keep their entrepreneurial dreams alive. By buying from women-owned brands, you contribute to their financial independence.

But where to find women-owned brands?

While they are the backbone of our society, their lack of visibility and absence from mainstream searches make them tough to find easily. Most women-led services and practitioners remain confined to their local areas and network groups. But if we make a little effort, we can find them all around us.

Whenever you are looking for a product or service, ask your community groups for referrals of women-led ones. You can also search and follow them on social media like Facebook and Instagram. There are also now dedicated women's business listing platforms where you find women's businesses and services listed in an organized manner with their information, location, reviews, and ratings.

It is said – ‘When one woman wins, we all win’. So, show your support for women entrepreneurs and professionals by consciously choosing, supporting and promoting their businesses.

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