Spiritual Wisdom Unveiled: 5 Inspiring Female Tarot Readers for you

Posted On : 03 Feb 2025
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Tarot readings are one of the most thorough and expressive ways to attain spiritual guidance. The vibrant pictures, and the symbolism each element presents, acting as guidance for whatever troubles and doubts we are going through. But an esoteric discipline such as this needs expertise to channel the messages correctly, and this is where professional tarot readers come in. For questions about any aspect of your life, be it career, relationship, or health, here are 5 women tarot readers that you can get in touch with.

1. Neha Goyal

Neha Goyal switched to becoming a spiritual medium and a transformation coach after more than 15 years of experience in the corporate sector. She utilises all kinds of tools, including tarot cards, to help guide her clients towards better opportunities and positive outcomes. The USP of this female tarot reader is that she focuses on what the person needs to hear so that they can take charge of their own healing instead of making them dependent on an external factor. When it comes to the readings, there are three options that you can choose from. One lasts for 30 minutes, the second for 45 minutes, and the last one for 60 minutes.

Women Listed Profile: https://womenlisted.com/nehaagoyal

2. Arpita Kaur

Arpita Kaur’s tarot readings come with a myriad of testimonials which all share the same feedback that speaking with her turned out to be a healing experience. She is a self-proclaimed heart-centered tarot reader who offers different kinds of readings on any topic or concern you may have. You can avail answers for a single question, or talk to her for a certain duration of time and ask unlimited questions. Apart from offering in-person readings and online sessions, she also joins different exhibitions and carnivals in her city. You can also connect with her to avail her services for a private or corporate event.

Women Listed Profile: https://womenlisted.com/arpitakaur

3. Sakshi Ashah

Even as a teen, Sakshi Ashah was inclined towards the occult sciences and often found herself watching tarot readings on YouTube. This evolved into her own interest in the field and she decided to pursue it professionally. She combines her readings with energy healing practices such as reiki, and offers both online and offline sessions for clients all over the world. She has successfully guided over 2000 people already with her spiritual knowledge. For a glimpse of her expertise, you can browse her Instagram page where she regularly posts quick readings such as a ‘yes or no’ question, or guidance for love situations.

Women Listed Profile: https://womenlisted.com/sakshiashah

4. Manikka Bali

Manikka Bali has multiple certificates in Tarot, from basic to advanced, under her belt. This female tarot reader offers sessions based on the number of questions, which can be availed via voice notes or zoom calls, but also provides answers based on elaborate spreads. This strategic placement of the cards, such as in a Celtic Cross spread or a Horseshoe spread, offers guidance such as what are the blockages, influences and final outcomes in a situation. She also posts tarot readings for the collective on topics such as ‘What wish is coming true in 2025?’ and ‘What can you expect from this January?’ on her Instagram profile.

Women Listed Profile: https://womenlisted.com/manikkabali

5. Nimisha Agarwal

Nimisha Agarwal has over a decade long experience in this field, and the knowledge of numerous different occult sciences. She is the founder of Kimora Tarot, where she offers guidance and positive messages to her clients. Her spiritual skills are versatile, so she is also adept in conducting energy healing sessions such as angel therapy and reiki, along with offering in-depth tarot readings. Nimisha offers four kinds of readings, the first allows the client to ask one question, and the rest of the three are divided based on the duration of 15, 30, and 60 minutes. You can also catch one of her quick pick-a-card readings on her Instagram.

Women Listed Profile: https://womenlisted.com/nimishaagarwal

You can connect with these female tarot readers through their Women Listed to guide you through your next steps in life.
