5 Must Read Books on Finance for Entrepreneurs

Posted On : 06 Mar 2024
entrepreneurs, finance, finance books, entrepreneurship, womenlisted, financial books, women entrepreneurs

Books are a medium that provides us with priceless information. You get a self-learning experience that nobody can take away from you. They provide solutions to our queries and leave us with beautiful ideas to share.  

There are some books on finance for entrepreneurs that can be great sources to offer ideas on how to improve your business and make initiatives for its positive growth. These financial books cover a wide range of topics, including how as an entrepreneur you can plan your business budget, your generation of income, where to invest and many more things.

To have a better understanding, here are some top books on finance for women entrepreneurs to read, which are listed below:

1. Get Good with Money by Tiffany The Budgetnista Alich

Tiffany Aliche is a financial instructor who has won awards. More than a million women worldwide have benefited from her organization, The Budgetnista, which has started a financial movement that teaches and empowers them to save money and pay off debt.

A woman entrepreneur should definitely read this book because financial literacy is something that is not taught in the education system. The idea is that you have a lot more alternatives when you become "financially whole" and adept with money, as opposed to when your personal finances are in disarray.

This book also holds points like having a good credit score, building a budget, learning to earn, investing like an insider, and many more, which can be good for new entrepreneurs to learn. It also contains workable ideas for managing personal finances. All you need to do to become good with money is learn the fundamentals, which is expertly taught in this book.

2. Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

The cover of the book itself states how you can turn your business from a cash-eating monster into a money-making machine. In the world, there are millions of entrepreneurs, and everyone wants one thing - make profits. And for that, there's an age-old formula - selling as much as you can. You just need to subtract your expenditure, and the remainder is all yours. 

The book outlines this theory into practice and encourages entrepreneurs to act more intentionally towards their goal by prioritizing profits and achieving financial goals. It simplifies difficult financial concepts via compelling storytelling and realistic examples, making it a fascinating and approachable read for all entrepreneurs.

3. How Finance Works by Mihir Desai

For budding fempreneurs who want to learn more about business finance, this book is a great resource. In the corporate sector, it serves as a guide to comprehend money on all fronts. Through the use of entertaining exercises and interactive case studies, Desai breaks down the fundamental concepts of finance into knowledge that is readily grasped.

The book provides a deeper knowledge of the strategies employed by businesses to finance their operations and advancements, as well as the significance of cash flow in relation to profitability. Enabling an entrepreneur to make wise financial decisions. 

It highlights important questions like - how well an organization manage its finances? How can an entrepreneur make strategies to add value to their business? How financially one can grow step by step?, etc. one can have a full idea of how these key questions are answered effortlessly.

4. Accounting for the Numberphobic by Dawn Fotopulas

Dawn has created one of the best books for small businesses on finance for entrepreneurs to read. This book is specifically for those who have the least interest in accounting and finance, to provide them with better knowledge. The book aims at overcoming the barriers of number crunching and showing how one can use financial information to the maximum. 

It is a comprehensive guide to examine every detail of the revenue statements. It demonstrates to the owners how to keep up balance sheets in order to determine the value of the firm. An additional tool to run the numbers is a financial dashboard included in the book. Owners may better assess a company's performance by understanding these ideas, and this book provides entrepreneurs with the fundamental information and self-assurance they need to manage the books and make financial choices.

5. The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

This book gives insightful perspectives into the mindsets and practices of prosperous businesspeople and investors, along with priceless advice on long-term wealth accumulation. One needs to understand the main point of how one should always spend less than what they are earning. This gives them a lot of savings.
The author highlights financial goals such as long-term investments, having a plan B, etc. An entrepreneur should stay up-to-date on news and trends in business to have lucrative growth. 

In short, such books leave an entrepreneur motivated to do more for their business and also tell you how successful companies make profits.

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